By Bro. Isaac Head
Lecture delivered in Cornwall, England, in 1752, before Lodge No.
151 As I have the honor of being
distinguished by a badge of office in this regularly constituted
Lodge, I have made choice of this opportunity to assure you that
I will use my best endeavors to execute the trust that you have
reposed in me with freedom, fervency, and zeal: and I beg the
favor of your attention for a few minutes, while I exhort you to
consider, with a becoming seriousness, some useful hints
which concern all of us. And first, I beg leave to recommend
an unwearied diligence and assiduity in the great work
wherein you are immediately concerned, to be upon your guard at
all times, and on all occasions, especially before strangers,
who will certainly watch every opportunity to extract from you
that secret which has for ages and generations been hid
from those who are unqualified to receive it. The
proper observance and diligent execution of this part of your
duty will recommend you to the notice of the world in general,
and the regard of this Lodge in particular. Be ye also
careful, my brethren, to avoid every action which has the least
tendency to brand you with the odious name and character of a
covetous man, which our holy brother the Apostle Paul, has with
great reason declared to be idolatry. For what, my brethren, can
be expected from the man who makes gold his hope, and places his
confidence in his riches? what! but that he will be deaf to the
cries of the destitute orphan, and intreaties of the distressed
widow? Let the contrary disposition prevail with us, and let not
our charity be circumscribed within a narrow circle; but like
that glorious luminary which opens the day, dispense its
kindly influence to all around us. Indeed, if we are good
Masons, we cannot be capable of abusing the means with
which Providence has supplied us to do good unto all men,
as opportunity shall offer, and in a more especial manner
the miserable and distressed. These are objects which not
only deserve our commisseration, but also claim relief at
our hands; let the grand principles of brotherly love, relief,
and truth, at all times distinguish us in the world, and ever
prevail amongst us. This compassionate temper cannot fail
of obtaining the love and esteem of all good and wise
men; and, what is of infinitely greater importance, the
approbation of that gracious Being whose favor is better than
life. Let us also be resolutely fixed in the great duty of
sobriety, and not suffer liquor to get the ascendency of our
reason; it is reason, my brethren, informs us that we are
creatures every way adapted to and fitted for society; and that
God has given us knowledge and understanding superior to
other beings on the habitable globe, who all tend by a
natural impulse to answer in their respective spheres the end of
their creation; and shall the creatures thus fulfil, with the
greatest regularity, the different purposes to which
Providence assigned them, and man, the glory of this lower
world, pervert the gracious designs of his Creator in
appointing proper liquids to satisfy his thirst, and exhilarate
his heart, by abusing the means, and forgetting the end of
their appointment, use them beyond the bounds of
moderation, and thereby render himself equal, I had/ almost said
inferior to the beastly swine? Did we but rightly and
seriously consider the many mischiefs to which this vice exposes
us, we should certainly be very cautious of drinking to
excess, well knowing the fatal consequences which attend it, that
it lays our reason asleep, and rouses the many, too
often, predominant passions which disturb the mind of
main. And whilst we are careful to avoid the shameful sin
of drunkenness, let us at the same time remember that we
are in duty bound to abstain from another vice, which is
too common in the present age, I mean the detestable
practice of swearing by, and invoking the solemn name of the
great and glorious God on the most trifling occasions. This
vice, my brethren, has not one motive or inducement, that I
know of, to support the practice of it. Is it practised by the
great vulgar? It is forbid by the positive command of an
Almighty God, who is ever jealous of his, honor, and will not
hold any guiltless who taketh his holy name in vain. This vice is
a scandal to society, and degrades the man below the level
of the brutal tribe, who all join with the feathered choir in
the praises of their great Creator. Let us, if it be possible,
live peaceably with all men; let us keep our passions in
constant subjection; by this means we shall be enabled
to demonstrate to the world that we are good men and
true, that we aim at no other character than that of piety
towards God, and unfeigned love to one another. Love, my
brethren, is the bond of perfectness; it is this divine temper
which enables us to preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond
of peace, and makes us like him, who is the pure
and inexhaustible fountain of it. Stand fast in one spirit, and
be perfectly joined together in the same mind, and in the
same judgment; let us consider that this is a duty incumbent on
us, that it is recommended to our notice and imitation by
our great Leader and Exemplar, who came to seek and to
save that which was lost, and laid down his life even for
his enemies. What a powerful motive and inducement have we in
this unparalleled instance of Divine love opened to our view for
our instruction and government in this state of trial, unto which
we shall do well if we take heed as unto a light shining in a
dark place. And I hope there is not one member of this community
who dons not endeavor, to the utmost of his power, to discharge
thin duty as it behoves every good and wise man ; truly sensible
of the necessity we lie under to fulfil thin great, this
important part of an obligation, which is an indissoluble bond by
which the particular members are united and cemented in one body.
Let us support and recommend this great and laudable virtue by
examples worthy the imitation of mankind. This is the moat
effectual method we can pursue to silence the illnatured
suggestions of the proud, the wicked, and the vain part of our
species, who, though they are by no means proper to be members
of our well-governed community, yet must by this means
be induced (as it were forcibly) to own, and secretly to
admire, the benign influence of that love and unity which
naturally produce peace and harmony amongst brethren. I
must also beg leave to recommend a proper regard to be paid to
the laws, constitutions, and orders of our moat ancient and
honorable fraternity, and due deference and respect to the
particular officers thereof in their respective places, whose
business it is to carry them into execution; and I hope the only
contention among you will be a laudable emulation in cultivating
the royal art, and striving to excel each other in everything
which is great and good. Let us convince the unbelieving
multitude that no private, sordid, or lucrative views can ever
prevail upon us to admit into the number of those who are
acquainted with the knowledge of our mysteries, the unworthy, the
profane, or contentious part of mankind; but that we will stand
fast in that liberty with which God hath blessed us, and join,
with one heart, and one voice, in excluding such wolves from our
peaceable fold. In a word, let all of us endeavor, in our
respective stations, so to regulate our whole conduct as not to
give just occasion for offence in any thing. Let us be submissive
to superiors, courteous and affable to equals, kind and
condescending to inferiors; and let our whole deportment testify
for us that we have formed our lives upon the perfect model of
God's revealed Will, exhibited to us in the Holy Bible; that this
book is the basin of all our craft, and that it is by this piece
of divine furniture, so essential to our society, that we
are taught wisdom to contrive in all our doings such means
as may conduce to His honor, and the salvation of our
immortal souls; strength to support us in all difficulties and
distresses; and beauty to polish the rough unhewn block of the
mere natural man, and bring it into the likeness of our Maker.
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, and by
an unwearied perseverence in yell-doing, put to silence
the ignorance and malice of foolish men; and the wise and
great will think it no disparagement to be influenced by
our example, when we shall let our light shine before men,
that they, seeing by our good works, may be also induced
to glorify the Supreme and Almighty Architect of the
universe. Let us approve ourselves faithful stewards of those
things committed to our charge, that whensoever it shall please
our great Creator to demand of us an account of those
talents which He, in His infinite wisdom, has thought fit to
bestow upon us, we may be found ready to render it up with
joy, may have our loins girded up, and our lights burning, and
we ourselves be as men waiting for the kingdom of God, and
in that morning when the Sun of Righteousness shall arise
with healing on his wings, we may be allotted to a house
not made with hands, in the happy regions of eternal day -
may hear this welcome salutation of the Redeemer in
the presence of men and angels" Well done, thou good
and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful in a few things; I
will make thee ruler over many things ; enter thou into the joy
of thy Lord." O happy day! when the faithful shall outlive
the world and all its fading glories, shall see the sun, moon,
and stars obliterated from the concave of heaven, and
himself employed, swallowed up in the never-fading glories of
a boundless eternity. back to top