foundations of masonry
R.W. Bro. E. A. Davis
Published in The Tracing Board, - GRA 1976
Every entrant into Freemasonry is informed that 'no institution
can boast a more solid foundation that that on which Freemasonry
rests, the practice of every moral and social virtue.' These words,
so full of meaning, should by their constant reiteration in our
Lodges, grip the conscience and heart of each member and the result
should be seen in increasing nobility of character, purity of life
and unselfishness of service.
We are living today in an age of transition. This is practically a
new age and thoughtful men everywhere are alive to it. Old
institutions, old methods, old forms of procedure are being
subjected to rigid scrutiny and only those survive which can be
adapted to the changing times. The foundation of Masonry is so broad
and firm that rightly conceived and expressed, Masonry cannot do
other than win men, who come under its spell to the service of
Masonry teaches righteousness and morality and as this grips the
thought of sincere men gathered together from all walks and
occupations of life, eventually they feel how closely they are bound
to one another by a common tie. This explains how Masonry comes to
foster in its members self-respect and self-help qualities that
enable a man to stand alone if need be and yet safeguard him from
infringing on the rights and claims of others.
'The Practice of every moral and social virtue' is required of every
man if this world is to be the world God meant it to be. Masonry,
properly understood and interpreted, lays itself out to serve men
regardless of race, rank, or creed and its main desire is to see
that no man is denied the full inheritance of humanity. But Masonry
will only achieve its full purpose when every member of the Craft
comes to realize that he must individually and personally live out
its principles and tenets in actual life.
An unworthy Mason, one who contravenes in his daily conduct the
foundation principles of Masonry, who violates in word and spirit
the obligation into which he has solemnly entered, does untold harm
to one of the noblest institutions for promoting fraternity and
goodwill in all classes and grades of society. The principles of
Masonry never detrimentally affect any man and every man ought to be
better for adopting them and allowing them to regulate his character
and conduct. It therefore is the duty of all of us who have anything
to do in promoting the maintenance and expansion of the Craft, to
ceaselessly stress the solid foundation on which Freemasonry rests
an the supreme importance individually of rigidly adhering to 'the
practice of every moral and social virtue.' Human nature, if allowed
to get out of control and is left undisciplined, will soon drag any
man down. High character can only be maintained by the guidance and
control of high principles and the maintenance of lofty ideals.
Built on a truly Masonic foundation, Freemasonry has a wonderful
place in the world. It is remarkable how it binds men together in
faith, freedom and friendship. This is because it rests upon
spiritual realities. It organizes men in spiritual faith, moral
purposes and eternal hope and cements them together by brotherly
love and a common high endeavour. It has been declared that 'Masonry
teaches the highest truth by the humblest emblems.'
Masonry leads those who sincerely come under its influence and
teaching, to see the difference between a materialistic and a
spiritual reading of the meaning of life and it stimulates them to
an increased faith in God, in the life to come and in the final
victory of good over evil. This is the basis of its strength, the
beauty of its symbolism and the secret of its fellowship. As Masons,
our trust is in God, that He who made us what we are will lead us
finally to that which we ought to be. Life is brief at is longest
and broken at its best and the teaching of Masonry urges men to be
careful to perform their allotted task while it is yet day, never to
betray their trust, to practice outside the Lodge the truths they
have been taught within and on all occasions to let their life be a
living expression of the principles to which they have solemnly
vowed their allegiance. Masonry has an abiding foundation. Its
members, therefore, must be loyal and true and on that foundation
individually 'raise a superstructure, perfect in its parts and
honourable to the builder.' This will foster the principle and
practice of brotherhood and thus the great fraternity
'Shall bind each heart and nation
In one grand brotherhood of men
And one high consecration.'
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