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RELIGION IN EPIGRAMThe Master Mason - May 1925AN ORATOR in a recent conference summed up the finished product of the various religions of the world in a series of very striking epigrams. An epigram is seldom perfect; it is a brief, flashing insight of a salient truth, and that is true in this instance. None the less the speaker did put the matter picturesquely: Greece said, "Be moderate - know thyself." Rome said, "Be strong - order thyself." Confucianism said, "Be superior - correct thyself." Buddhism said, "Be disillusioned - annihilate thyself." Hinduism said, "Be separate - merge thyself." Mohammedanism said, "Be submissive bend thyself." Judaism said, "Be holy - conform thyself." Modern Materialism says, "Be industrious - enjoy thyself." Modern Dilettantism says, "Be broad - cultivate thyself." Christianity says, "Be unselfish - give thyself." What would Masonry add to this symphony of faith, duty and aspiration? How would its distinctive aim and obligation be described? Would it not be correct to put it in this fashion: Masonry, says, "Be a brother - build thyself." Or, better still, "Be a Brother and a Builder - forget all about thyself." THE GOLDEN RULEPersian - Do as you would be done by. Greek - Do not that to a neighbor which you would take ill from him. Chinese - What you would not wish done to yourself, do not do to others. Egyptian - He sought for others the good he desired for himself. Let him pass on. Jewish - Whatsoever you do not wish your neighbor to do to you, do not to him. This is the whole law. Christian - All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. |
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