by DR. William R. White - President, Baylor University
Waco, Texas
Royal Arch Mason - Fall 1961
is neither a church nor a substitute for a church. It can be
made into a substitute, but this would be a perversion. It does
embrace several great beliefs, but it is not a dogma. It in no
sense has a system of theology. It is set against bigotry and
intolerance. It is a fellowship but not an ecclesiastical
system. It is a Fraternity with vast ramifications, but has no
heirarchy. Its ties of brotherhood are strong. Its obligated
devotions are solemn and severely binding. Its symbolism
is ritualistic but not sacramental. Some of its ritual is
similar but not the same as practiced by the church. One rite of
Masonry is distinctly Christian, but it is not sectarian. All
men who are true Christians in faith and life can
belong, The other rite is inclusive of all monotheists or
those believing in one God. Yes, it includes devout Christians,
for they believe in the unity of Deity. This rite, while
reflecting in its lectures and pageantry the philosophies and
insights of all high thinking people among all religions, does
not purpose to be either a synthesis of all beliefs or a world
religion. These philosophies and insights are presented for our
enlightenment and reflection. We are under no pressure to
accept them. Only the obligations are mandatory. These
obligations are in no sense religious tenets. They are
fraternal commitments to loyalties that do no violation to
conscience. Masonry, like church, stands for charity of a
broad nature. However, its motivations and objectives do not
stem from the same source as it is true of the church. The
Masonic objectives and motivations are wholly humanitarian. In
the church they spring from a love shed abroad in the heart by
the Holy Spirit and are both manward and Godward. Masonry
is a bulwark for religious liberty. It does not propose to make
bad men good, but to make good men better. It is a friend and
supporter of the basic objectives of religion. The churches and
Masonic bodies should be cordial allies. They are not identical,
but have so many interests in common. Masonry is not to
permit the Mason to replace church, but to reinforce it. It does
not supplant, but supplement. It does not subvert, but
support. back to top |