The Masonic Trowel

... to spread the cement of brotherly love and affection, that cement which unites us into one sacred band or society of brothers, among whom no contention should ever exist, but that noble emulation of who can best work or best agree ...

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Volumes of the Sacred Law in use in the Lodges in the band of countries stretching from the United States to Europe and from from Israel to New Zealand, depending on the religious affiliation of its local members, are:

- The Bible (Old and New Testaments) for the Christians.
- The Torah for the Jews.
- The Dhammapada for the Buddhists.
- The Gita or the Vedas for Hindus.
- The Granth Sahib for Sikhs.
- The Koran for Muslims.
- The Zend Avesta for Parsees and Zoroastrians.

"It is important that each VSL should be placed separately and they should not be piled up upon the other. The S. and C. will ordinarily be placed in position on that Book to which the W.M. owes his allegiance, except on Installation Nights when they will be placed on that Book on which the Master Elect will take his Obligation.

The candidates for Initiation, Passing and raising will take their Ob. on the Book of their faith.

In some lodges in Germany and Switzerland, a form of VLS was introduced in the 1860's consisting of white (blank) pages only, whereby each candidate can put in these pages whatever he believes in.

In a number of the European Grand Lodges (e.g. Grand Orient of France), where even atheists are admitted, lodges use such a White Book or their book of Masonic Constitutions to obligate their candidates upon.

As a matter of curiosity, it might be interesting to medidate upon the fact that in Ancient Egypt, oaths and solemn obligations were taken on what was regarded by the Ancient Egyptians as the most sacred volume of all :  ... the calendar ...

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Last modified: March 22, 2014