The Masonic Trowel

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The Cosmology of the Freemason

Translated from Die Baguette by E. Rammelmeyer,
The Builder - February 1929

THIS composition came from the pen of a brother Mason who lived in the 18th century in Germany and closed his earthly life as a comparatively young man, yet rich in writings for the benefit of the Craft. Of his works one volume consists almost entirely of Masonic essays. The Freemasonry of this man, full of enthusiasm and kindly inspiration, took in the large, broad remote horizon of the profane world. In it there was no harm to anybody, but much usefulness and inspiration to the brethren. 

His name was Aloys Blumauer, born in Steyr, Dec. 21, 1755. He became a Mason in 1781 in Vienna, Austria, in the Lodge Zur Warren Eintracht. His "Aeneide" and the "Prayer" had several editions, but his works are now only known in literary circles. 

GREAT, extensive and comprehensive is the goal of the Mason; broad the sphere of action for his mind and heart; unbounded the field whereupon he works. 

When the Mason perceives the light he is born to truth and humanity, and as far reaching as the expanse of truth is also the native place of his mind, and as far reaching as the boundaries of living humanity, so far extended is the limit of his heart. There is not in the great "All" of creation a spot which would not give to the searching mind of a Mason food for contemplation, and there is no place on the earth's surface where his loving heart would not find an object and confrontation of his rendering a kindness and service in another man. 

Therefore, my brethren, we find in every zone of this earth Masons, and for this reason a good Mason in our order must of consequence be in his heart as well as in his mind a cosmopolite, following the great universal rule. Veracity is the constituent principle of a Mason, the goal to which his mind is striving to go, the source of light his soul is thirsting for. And this element wherein he lives breathes the fragrant air of the "All" creation of the Architect of the Universe. 

Everywhere in the whole visible natural order of things grows the tree of knowledge and beckons to him to nourish his mind and be refreshed and strengthened in his thirst after the truth. 

As he knows that this gift of heaven is neither allotted to a certain season or climate of any country, but sprouts forth everywhere beneath the steps of the attentive wanderer, he gathers them wherever he finds them, not minding the adverse light-shy zealot who condemns surroundings beneficial to the Mason's mind, or any other "Know-All" who claims to be in sole possession of all truths and human knowledge. 

Convinced that the wise hand of the Creator sowed the seed of all the true and enduring, as well as the seed of love, goodness and charity throughout all of the creation, so he never searches for the truth at one particular place only never swears on the word of a teacher who recommends his temple as the only source of light, nor does he follow a swarm of Masonic sectarians who, like the heathens, go on a pilgrimage to Delphos as the only place in search of truth. 

To a Mason every knowledge, every disclosure and science is gratifying; he has no preference for confident, fixed or certain truths; he never thinks onesidedly, nor does he lean to one side more than another. The general tendencies of his mind follow a firm, steady pace, examining his way to the right and left, never faltering by flattering or fawning acclamations, nor being blended by delusive shimmer. 

In whatever feigned or gorgeous garment the truth is depicted by anyone to ensnare his mind, he never hesitates or wavers, knowing that truth has an undraped body, and how could he love it on account of the draperies? 

The Mason does not fear or is timid of unlimited truth, he loves it, he honors it, even if it would disturb him out of his sweetest dreams, or should deprive him of the calm and peace of his life. The glance of his eye is the sight of the eagle in the sun, never dazzled, never recoiling before the light of truth, however weaker souls may only enjoy the mixture between deception and truth and complain of eye-sores when gazing in the bright rays of truth. But he, with firm eyes, looks the truth in the face and comforts and refreshes his light-wonted spirit in its all-glorified godly shimmer. 

The Freemason is tolerant against errors. He knows how difficult it is to free the truth from the dross which passes through the heads of men and often some of the latter is firmly attached in the mind to remain there. 

He knows the immensity of the sphere of truth and how short the sight and small and often the wanderer's strength in search grows weary. 

He knows deception in all kinds of conventions, which in hundreds of forms and formalities speak falsely against truth, and are quite often supported by power and authority, laws and anathema claiming in the realm of truth an acknowledged supremacy. 

Thus, my brethren, the Mason thinks and ponders and through it, from the intellectuality of his mind, embracing the truth wherever he finds it, he grows to be a world citizen. 

But if the Mason thinks as a world citizen, so must he also act as such; and the sphere of activity of his heart can not be less than the sphere of his mind, and it is impossible for him to esteem every truth without loving all men. 

Therein, my brethren, we perceive the great law of equality, which is one of the brightest pillars of our royal order. Not to make all men equal, for that would be a mere chimera, but to love all men alike is the great attainable aim which the hand of Nature has set up in the heart of the Mason. The Mason serves humanity, and in all zones, under all forms of governments, openly and secretly; and therefore how could one land or one strip of this God's green footstool have the exclusive claim of his heart? The Mason loves the strict truth and weighs his fellowmen according to their mental intellect, and recognizes merit for the measure of his benefactions as he has no preference to the unworthy, should he be his brother, but preference only for the worthy. 

How could he do otherwise, knowing the universal law that he must divide his esteem and affection according to the merits of the individual, and not follow his private inclinations, often detrimental to righteousness, nor to be too subservient to fraternal demands at the expense of humanity? 

Regrettable to say, it is often a sad occurrence in almost all human societies, brotherhoods and orders, that the members look only towards the center of their order, often turning their back to each other; so that the boundary of their organization becomes the boundary of their participation and sympathy for humanity. But more even than this, the social motive, the beneficial, helpful, natural tendencies of men in the intimate brotherhood of their kind has contrived from time immemorial hate, persecution and insurrection. 

Perpetually the Brahmin hates the Dervish, the Augur the Haruspex and the black Christian Monk the brown Monk. This seemingly inevitable course, which leads a multitude of human societies to become disputing and quarreling fractions against the well-being of humanity. The laws of our worthy and honorable Fraternity alleviate this in uniting the members in symmetrical and universal love for all humanity. 

Great is this law, my brethren, but few the number who fulfill it. The heart of the Mason should take hold of all humanity; but alas, it often does not even embrace the men of a single country, the members of a society, the followers of a system, or the brethren of a lodge; the adept insults the profane; the profane defames the adept, and within the bounds of universal humanity there are religious sects accusing each other of heresy without restraint; while lodges, rendered virtually hostile through petty jealousy and envy, pursue each other; and some members provoke brother against brother, who in the very bosom of fraternal charity revive the intolerant abominations of the Guelfs and Ghibelines. 

Brethren, let me turn away from this picture. I will not criticize any further; considering the high honor of our Order and the forbearance of those of our noble-minded brothers whose hearts have never been poisoned by envy or party spirit. Then let us merit the name we carry let us always be unbiased Freemasons, men of a free mind and heart, who, with unembarrassed soul, intercept every ray of truth, and love all mankind with a clean, uncorruptible heart.

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