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MASONRY FOUNDED IN NATUREFreemason Monthly Magazine - 1842 WHATEVER is founded in nature is permanent; and although it may frequently be blended with transient combinations, it still remains a part of creation. The plant may be cut down by the frosts of winter, or by the ruthless hand of the destroyer, but the root still lives in all its inherent strength and natural energies. It waits but to receive the warmth of a genial sun, to put forth anew its stalks and branches, and its fruit and flowers. We need not say, how many times FREEMASONRY has been conquered and disgraced, - for such has been asserted of it in every civilized country, and still, it lives. In common parlance - it dares to live. Whatever is founded in nature, cannot but live. Its chief principle is life - and whatever constitutes life, is morally good - as whatever is evil, is essentially death. Therefore, it is not optional with men, whether good things shall be permitted to exist; for it is not within the power of human agency to destroy them. Such is the wise provision of nature, that though the evils of this world appear many, the blessings are more. The balance of moral power is on the side of goodness, and the cause of right and justice does not depend upon conventional decisions.It was decreed in France, that "death was an eternal sleep!" and what was the effect of such a vote upon the glorious doctrines of the mortality of the soul ! It was decreed by the monarch of all the Russias, that a person who should presume to practice Freemasonry within his dominions, should suffer death! Time soon developed his weakness and his folly.Politicians of every age and country, have denounced the Institution of Masonry, as fraught with evils unnumbered and unlimited! But time has cut down these prophets and their prophecies as transitory and unnatural. Excitement is incident to party movements; and party measures are seldom dictated by that judgment which is guided by reason. Passion results in confusion, and confusion leads to error. Party discipline is never based upon the immutable principles of justice; and, therefore, no party succeeds in all its views and measures. There may have been many errors in the conduct of Masons, and in the administrations of Masonry; but the principles of the Institution are permanently good, and will forever remain so. Nations may rise and fall, - parties organize, re-organize, and disorganize, - great minds act and re-act upon one another, till the last hour of mortal strength, - injustice and cruelty may reign during the common period of human life, - still, the elements of all the fundamental laws of our moral nature, remain unchanged. Institutions based upon these laws, may be opposed and even suspended in their operations. But never destroyed. We consider that evidence complete, which is confirmed by the scrutiny of the wise of past ages. The good men of different ages are independent of those prejudices which influence the good men of the same age. And whatever is the result of united wisdom, thus collected, may be regarded as in harmony with the laws of nature, and not in opposition to the will of nature's God! Masonry has been tried, judged and proved. She has risen superior to her enemies, in every age; and it is because her inherent energies are truth, love, justice, and mercy. All parties, powers, circumstances, and events, in opposition to these, are but the poisonous vapors of evil passions, which flit in momentary glory, and then sink back to unsubstantial confusion. Masonry is adapted to human nature; and so long as nature is true to herself, so long will Masonry prove true to man. |
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